Jolie is currently a senior studying Geography: Data Science at the University of Washington.
Upon graduation, she will have at least 1 year of experience with data analytics and web development.
Jolie has a passion in "cooking up" the data to create insightful dashboards that can inform authorities to create positive changes in her community, especially in the transportation sector, with the focus on road and safety analysis.
This map, with GTFS data integrated, is built into the existing dashboard to provide more insights into ORCA data for institutions in the ORCA Business Programs.
This is a web map interface that facilitates reviewing the results from the OpenSidewalks Conflation project.
This project automates the sidewalk data collection in OSM by extracting sidewalk attributes from the State & City DOT and feeding into OSM through data integration.
This map provides dashboards visualizing weekly and annually data of influenza cases in 2022.